Suruchi Shah
A Life Coach, Psychology Counsellor, NLP Practioner, Art-based therapist, Life-skills trainer and Mindfulness Practioner. Suruchi began her career as an engineer and has over a decade of corporate experience as well as four years of entrepreneurial experience. She is now a Life Coach, Psychology Counsellor, NLP Practioner, Art-based therapist, Life-skills trainer and Mindfulness Practioner. Suruchi found her purpose and true calling as a life coach in 2016 and began on her journey of creating a positive impact on people’s life in 2017. In her words, "Now when I reflect back, I have always been inclined towards this field, even as a child. This is my place!" Suruchi's vision is to touch the lives of over 100,000 women to get clarity and courage to create the life they desire which will also create an emotionally balanced and fulfilled next generation. She combines various techniques to help people overcome emotional blocks and empowers them to start their healing journey. She has her private practice and has worked with over 500 people and conducted emotional intelligence and life skills workshops. She has worked with various schools, couselling centers, NGO's and corporates. To name a few she has worked with Banjara Academy, Gurukul, Asha Counselling Centre, National High School, Sarc Consulting Services, MindPower Counselling Centre, MyCounsellor etc.She has received many testimonials and a lot of appreciation from her clients which can be found on her social media handles. She is currently working on her upcoming book "Unlock Your Magic" where she hopes to share her story and inspire many to discover them, find their purpose and overcome barriers to become their highest version.